The Crafting Adventures of Anamika the Adept

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Just realised today that it is not enough to start and finish projects, and even take pictures. One must remember to put them up in the blog :)
My sister asked me casually why I had not done anything since July. Oh Oops! Here it is!!
Of course, after that I have been a bit slack. I could blame it on my health, but the truth would be my new toy, the iPhone and the games it came with :)
Sunshiney was admired by all. I made it with the same polymix crochet thread I picked up in "town".
and the usual US #7 steel hook. The pattern is also the usual, my "as I went along" brainwave.
I'm happy to say my craft group really liked it.
Oh, I can blame them too for my slacking. My sister went to US and came back. Three others have gone to US. My sister-in-law is in Singapore on her way to US.
It's getting close to the music season in Chennai. But maybe that will give me the push I need to make me look busy:)